Liberty: The Breath of Progress

Ezra 7:13 “I make a decree, that all they of the people of Israel, and of his priests and Levites, in my realm, which are minded of their own freewill to go up to Jerusalem, go with thee.”

The decree by King Artaxerxes allowing any Israelite in his realm to return to Jerusalem (Ezra 7:13) underscores a pivotal moment of liberty.

Liberty here represents the freedom to return, rebuild, and revive their spiritual heritage and practices. 

This serves as a strong reminder that liberty is crucial for any kind of progress or rebuilding. Without the freedom to act, guided and even driven by our conscience and beliefs of right and wrong, growth is hindered.

Liberty is essential, but it’s the starting point, not the end. It creates the space for people to act, but what guides those actions?

This leads us to the necessity of moral laws. Ezra was also entrusted with setting up a judicial system to govern the people according to God’s laws and the king’s (Ezra 7:25-26). This highlights that true liberty requires a framework to flourish. Laws, especially those rooted in moral and ethical principles, ensure that freedom doesn’t lead to anarchy but rather fosters a people who are justice, where peace can prevail. 

These laws weren’t meant to restrict freedom but to protect and enhance it, ensuring that everyone could enjoy their liberties without infringing on the rights of others.

Laws give structure to liberty, but for a society to truly thrive, its members must understand, respect, and live by these laws. This understanding comes through learning.

Ezra’s commitment to studying, obeying, and teaching God’s laws (Ezra 7:10) underscores the vital role of learning. It’s not enough to have freedom and laws; a society must also have a willingness to learn and individuals committed to teaching. Learning ensures that the values and principles underlying a society’s laws are passed down and respected by each generation. It promotes innovation and problem-solving, ensuring that the people don’t just survive but thrives.

Learning doesn’t just preserve the laws; it breathes life into them, allowing a society to navigate challenges and evolve.

Weaving It Together

Liberty, laws, and learning are not just sequential steps but are interdependent, each reinforcing the other. Liberty without laws leads to chaos; laws without learning lead to tyranny or rebellion; learning without liberty is stifled and meaningless.

Together, they create a dynamic system where societies can build, grow, and flourish.

In closing, as we reflect on America’s story, a nation built on the very principles of liberty, laws, and learning. It was once a land that beckoned people from far and wide, who chose to leave their homelands seeking a place where these pillars stood firm.

They came in pursuit of freedom to serve God, a just legal system with moral a basis found in God’s word , and the promise of education in school and church.

Regrettably, we’ve seen these foundations erode over time, leading to visible consequences in our society today. Just as the Israelites in the time of Ezra discovered, the strength of a nation lies in its commitment to these principles. It is a call for us to return to our roots, to rebuild upon the bedrock of liberty, guided by moral laws, and committed to the pursuit of learning and teaching others about God. Only then can we hope to see a thriving society, reminiscent of the ideals that once made America a beacon of hope for the world.

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Law Is Light