The Church in Thy House

Philemon 2b says, “…to the church in thy house.”

In the early days of Christianity, believers often met in homes. This was partly because they didn’t have church buildings like we do now, and it was safer to gather in private houses to avoid persecution.

Over time, as Christianity spread and became more accepted, believers started building dedicated places of worship. This allowed for larger gatherings and a more public presence. But the spirit of the early house churches still holds a special place in our history.

I once knew a Christian from Russia who had to hold church services in their house. Every week, they had to change locations to avoid being caught by the government and thrown in jail. This reminds us of the privilege we have today. We can go to a church building used solely for worship without fear.

However, we might face a time when we have to go back to having church in our homes. If that happened, would your home be ready? Not just in terms of size, but as a place where worship feels comfortable and right?

Are there inappropriate movies or magazines in your home? Is the music honoring to Christ? Is the spirit of your house conducive to worship?

Let’s make sure our homes are holy places, ready to welcome the presence of God. Although we may not need them for church, they should be holy nonetheless. 

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