Haggai 1:7 – “Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Consider your ways.”
Not long ago, I saw a young person who used to come to church all the time. They were faithful, involved, and seemed to love the Lord. But as time went on, they drifted. They decided they didn’t need God in their life anymore and thought they could do things their own way. It didn’t take long to see the results. Their life was falling apart—broken relationships, poor decisions, and an emptiness they couldn’t shake. It was clear that they hadn’t “considered their ways.”
Honestly, I can’t be too hard on them because I’ve been there myself. When I was younger, there was a time when I was far from God. Life didn’t work the way it should have. I felt like I was always behind, no matter how hard I tried. My relationships didn’t work out, my plans failed, and nothing seemed to give me the peace I was searching for.
Looking back, I know the reason: I hadn’t considered my ways. I was living for myself and not for God, and it showed in every area of my life.
The Challenge in Haggai
In Haggai’s day, the people of Israel were in a similar spot. They had returned from Babylon, but instead of focusing on rebuilding God’s temple, they focused on themselves. They built their own homes, chased after their own goals, and completely ignored the house of the Lord.
God pointed out the problem in Haggai 1:6:
“Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes.”
No matter how much they did, it wasn’t enough. They worked hard but didn’t see results. They tried to fill their lives with food, drink, and comforts, but it all fell short. Why? God explained in verse 9:
“Ye looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith the Lord of hosts. Because of mine house that is waste, and ye run every man unto his own house.”
The people had put themselves first and God last. They were so focused on their own lives that they left God’s work undone. Because of that, their efforts didn’t bring the results they wanted.
Are You Considering Your Ways?
Have you ever felt like life isn’t working the way it should? You work hard, but it seems like you’re always behind. You try to find happiness, but it slips through your fingers. Maybe you earn the salary, awards, or acknowledgment you desired, but you are left wanting.
If that sounds familiar, let me ask you: have you considered your ways?
Take a moment and think about these questions:
• Is God first in your life?
• Do you make time for His Word, His house, and His will?
• Are you running after your own plans while neglecting God’s?
Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” When God is first, everything else falls into place. But when He’s not, it doesn’t matter how hard you try—you’ll always come up short.
What You Can Do
The good news is, it’s not too late to turn things around. God is patient and merciful, and just like He called Israel to return to Him, He’s calling you too.
Here are a few steps to help you get back on track:
1. Put God first. Start each day with prayer and time in His Word.
2. Be faithful. Make church a priority and get involved in serving the Lord.
3. Trust Him. Let God guide your steps and take care of your needs. This takes faith.
Life without God will always leave you feeling empty, but when you put Him first, He’ll give you the peace and purpose you’re searching for. Take some time today to consider your ways and ask God to help you align your life with His will. You won’t regret it.